Protagonist of my life, admired by a multitude
Known by few
His detailed movements, I adored
Skin like polished ivory
Absorbed by his masculinity
Captive by his pensive stare
Distant observer
Our eyes latched onto each other
I knew him, and he knew me
“As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you. ”

I'm Lola's mother ..I'm her #1 Fan.
If I could, I would describe your writing style as follows:
You seem to make powerful statements without being over the top. Your pieces should be read slowly with emphasis on each word, so it can wash over the reader. You don't over describe things, but let allow the reader to fill in some of the blanks...
Keep it up!
If I could describe you writing style, I would describe it as follows:
You are a
I love how you expressed this, very simple and straight to the point.
I enjoyed reading this piece Lola. Reread it 3x and I am like woah. <3 <3 <3